Jill Farnsworth

“Ken and Jim are two really great examples of problem solvers. They taught me how to optimize my problem-solving through cost-benefit analysis, by constantly asking questions in this interactive way,” she says. 

Farnsworth’s experience in the lab was so valuable that she elected to stay a fifth year at IU to complete an honors thesis examining variation in the expression of the endocannabinoid receptor CB1. Both that project and earlier research on the influence of endocannabinoids on ethanol addiction led to publications in scientific journals, which helped her secure a position as a PhD candidate in the Center for Structural and Functional Neuroscience at the University of Montana. 

“As a scientist, your publications are almost who you are,” she says. “The fact that I had done a huge amount of research before applying to graduate school helped me immensely.”

Now at Montana investigating molecular and biophysical mechanisms involved with learning and memory, Farnsworth credits her early start in the Mackie lab with preparing her for the rigors of graduate school.
“I would definitely advise other students to get in early,” she says. “The training builds exponentially – slowly at first, but then it really takes off.”

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